DENSO Sponsorship

Here is Steve Shaw, our chair, receiving a cheque from from Martin, a key member of the DENSO Environmental Committee.

We are looking forward to working closely with DENSO , we have been asked to assist with a community event on the 23rd June, train some of their staff as Walk Leaders and help create new walks at their technical site.

Get Telford Walking – May 19th

The Telford T50 50 Mile Trail consortium, working with Health and Well Being of Telford and Wrekin Council , have organised a day when they aim to get as many people in Telford walking. There will be walks from each doctor’s surgery at 10.00 am and from each surgery to Telford Town Park using the T50 50 mile Trail. See

Several of our leaders will be leading groups.

Denso present a defibrillator to us

Our Chair received a defibrillator from DENSO for installation at one of the places where our walks start. DENSO have purchased a number of these valuable devices to give to local community groups because they recently had a member of their own staff collapse and their First Aiders used one of these device to save their colleagues life. The team that came to the aid of the DENSO employee are shown in the photo.