Category Archives: Uncategorized

Sunday Morning walk – Madeley

Are you busy all week and unable to join one of our walks. We do have a walk on a Sunday morning at 10.30am. It starts at the back of Tesco’s car park ( the walk leaders have Hi Viz vests on, so easy to spot) all you need to do is come along about […]

2018 Annual General Meeting

Our AGM for 2018 will be on Thursday 15th November 2018 beginning 10.00am in Meeting Point House, Telford Town Centre.  All are welcomed. We are looking for nominations to committee as some of our current members are standing down, if you are interested then please contact [email protected].  

Volunteers wanted

Do you have a couple of hours a week or a month to spare? Walking For Health – Telford & Wrekin need Volunteer Walk Leaders, walk assistants and a Coordinator What do walk leaders do? As a volunteer walk leader, you’ll be helping people in your community to get active and healthy, providing vital support […]

Walking For Health Telford & Wrekin join in the T50 walk

On Saturday 16th June  some of the WFH Telford and Wrekin walkers and walk leaders joined in the launch of the T50 walking route around Telford. The T50 route is split into various lengths of walks and is signposted all along the walks. Their Facebook page is The launch was from Town Park , one […]

2017 1000 miles walk challenge – Completed

Congratulations to Anne Marie Davies who completed her 1000 miles walked in 2017  Challenge on 19th December 2017 on the ASDA Tuesday  walk.Anne Marie had set herself a challenge to walk 1000 miles in 2017 and she used the Walking for Health Telford & Wrekin walks to help her achieve this goal. Anne Marie knows […]

A Snowy Friday Morning

On Friday 8th December 2017 Telford had its first snowfall for many years, but this did not stop 11 hardy walkers joining the Shawbirch walk at 10.15 from the Shawbirch Medical Centre. They had a great time and no doubt threw a few snowballs!!

Twitter here we come!!!!

Walking for Health – Telford & Wrekin have now set up a Twitter account @WfhTelford We are learning to use it but please follow us and pass on our messages, check for any news.

Walking for Health – Telford & Wrekin

For the sharp eyed amongst you, you will have noticed that we have now changed our name to WALKING FOR HEALTH – TELFORD & WREKIN. The final decision was taken at the first Committee meeting after our last AGM. The name change will reflect what our walks are about, walking to get or stay healthy. […]

Annual General meeting 29th September 2017 – update

We held are 4th AGM on the 29th September and the UCT, Telford Centre. The event started with a talk on the Limestone  mining in and around Lilleshall given by David Adams and the business end started. Steve Shaw acting chairman, thanks all the committee, walk leaders for their support and Tom Coward, for helping […]

Walk Leader Training Day 12th October 2017

Our next Walk Leader training day will be on the 12th October 2017. Are you interested in becoming a walk leader? Have a great enthusiasm for walking and Walking for Health’s vision of everyone having access to a short, free and friendly walk Be prepared to lead health walks in line with best practise procedures […]