Category Archives: Uncategorized


We have been sent this by our friends at Telford Senior Citizens Forum suggesting that we pass it on.“There are people in Telford offering to do shopping, taking the money but not returning with the goods. Please only trust people you know well and pay on delivery “

Latest newsletter and keeping in touch

Click here for the latest newsletter from Steve our chair, this is about self help measures and helping each other. We will send regular updates via our email list, the sign up form is here . We have also set up a WhatsApp group, if you would like to join please send a text, containing […]

Coronavirus Covid 19

Things have moved very quickly. We have now had this from Walking for Health. “Decision  From Wednesday 18th March we are suspending all Ramblers Walking for Health activities – including group walks, social activities and other meetings.  All these activities must stop until further notice and at least until the 31st May, subject to further developments.  We […]

Jim Cox

We are very sorry to announce that Jim Cox, one of our walk leaders, died on Saturday March 7th after collapsing while acting as a marshall at an LDWA event the previous Saturday. Here is Jim, extreme right, at our AGM in 2019. A very experienced walker with an intimate knowledge of the Granville, Jim […]

New Walk in St. Georges

A good turnout on a damp February 13th for the new walk in St Georges. Meet in the car park behind the cricket club TF2 9LU , 10.30 every Thursday. Walk will last about 75 minutes. All welcome.

Season’s Greetings

The picture shows Steve, our Chair, presenting Walk Leader Certificates to David Kippax and Geoff Baxter at the Shawbirch Walkers Christmas lunch on 16th December.Please see…/abc3493…/XmasMessage2019.pdf for a Christmas message from Steve.

Sponsored Walk and Optional Sleep Out, Nov 22nd-23rd

Sorry for the short notice but please see…/c879…/The_Great_Stay_Out.pdf for details of a message from our chair about a sponsored walk from Denso Manufacturing to ASDA Donnington Wood, followed by an optional free live music gig and an optional sleep out.